Power Washing

To keep our waters clean keep your
dirty water out.
Rain Barrel

Catching rain when it falls benefits you
and our local waters!
Perfect Landscape

You can create a beautiful outdoor
space and protect our waters
Perfect Lawn

A gorgeous landscape doesn’t need to come at
the price of clean lakes and streams
Ice and Snow Control

We can have safe walkways in the winter
and cleaner water all year round
Leaf Collection

Fall leaves provide beautiful color on trees, but in
local waters they contribute to green algae blooms
Pools & Spas

Following a few simple steps will prepare your
pool water for entering local waterways
Dogs & Our Waters

You can be a responsible pet owner
and protect our waters
Vehicle Maintenance

Get where you need to go and minimize
the impact on local waters
Household Chemicals

Cleaning out the garage and
keeping our waters clean
Kids can help too!

There are lots of things kids can do to
help keep our rivers and lakes clean.
Carpet Cleaning

To keep our waters clean, keep
your dirty water out.